Photo Adventure Transcript

Download the winning photo here.

Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Macro Photography --- where I take you with me to discover and capture small, beautiful photos that most people would walk past without a thought. At the end of this video, don't forget to cast your vote for the shot you like most from today's adventure. I'm your host Jay, and let's get started...

Today, we are keeping it simple by staying home and practicing our macro photography on fruit. Here is my setup that I'm working with outside. I have a lime, kiwi, a lemon, an apple, a nectarine, an orange, a banana, some grapes, red raspberries, strawberries, and black raspberries. Our mission is to get some nice macro shots to hang in the kitchen. Here you can see that I ended up tearing off the front lip of the plate because it was interfering with my photos. Let's go, start the music...

Alright, I shot some photos that I like and I hope this has inspired you to try some of your own. I shot 249 photos and have narrowed it down to 3 photos for you to vote on. But first, let's go into Lightroom to do some photo processing. We'll speed this up and see the finished photo results for voting.

Okay, we are done. Let's take a look. This one I liked because of the circularity and the yellow lime pops. If you like wine, you may like this one. And lastly, I like this because it looks like the water is flowing out of the middle crater.

Alright, there you have it, here are my 3 favorite photos from this adventure --- and I want to hear from you. Which one do you like most? Cast your vote by leaving a comment below, or clicking the poll to let me know. I'm going to give you my favorite pick out of these three as a free download, so you can do whatever you want with the photo. Enjoy, guys, and don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel for upcoming macro photo adventures.