Photo Adventure Transcript

Download the winning photo here.

Welcome back everyone! And here are the photos to vote on. Cast your vote by clicking the poll (at the top right corner) or leave a comment below of your favorite photo. Now let's take a look at the other photos.

Today, we are celebrating the new Star Wars movie by making a star wars Easter egg photo adventure. I start out using a pencil to sketch out the drawing first. Then I use colored sharpies and or paint to color them. I typically poke holes in the top and bottom of the egg to blow out the yoke instead of hard boiling the egg so that it reduces condensation. This is a fun little photography project to try at home if you are looking for something different to do. So let's see how it went. Start the music...

Alright, there you have it, don't forget to vote on your favorite photo by leaving a comment below, or click the poll to vote. You can download my favorite out of these three photos and do whatever you want with the photo. Enjoy, guys, and don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel for upcoming macro photo adventures.